Hidden Alphabet 8

Help keep this museum intact in #HiddenAlphabet 8!
 Our next mission brings us to an ancient dwelling place starting off in the bedroom(note: there's more then two scenes this time around).

 To get the full experience from Gamershood, I suggest you check out what we've already covered in this series...

  1. Hidden Alphabet
  2. Hidden Alphabet 2
  3. Hidden Alphabet 3
  4. Hidden Alphabet 4
  5. Hidden Alphabet 5
  6. Hidden Alphabet 6
  7. Hidden Alphabet 7

 This museum runs the risk of settling upon a thawed permafrost foundation in Manitoba, Canada. If this happens during business hours, many injuries(if not casualties) will ensue.

 So do what you do best. Get out that handy glassware and search for the letters of the hidden alphabet. It won't come easy but you'll enjoy the personal satisfaction that you did all you could to prevent this from happening.

To Be Continued...

Here's a Walkthrough!

For upcoming episodes, check out my sister post "The Hidden Alphabet Series"!

Play Hidden Alphabet 8!


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