Submachine 6-The Edge

Check out #Submachine 6: The Edge by #MateuszSkutnik.
 Murduk never ceases to mind-boggle even the most gifted among us. It's all but a long distant fuzzy memory by now. You can't even remember your name nor from whence you came. All that comes to mind is blanking out and winding up getting entangled within inter-dimensional web network which appears to take on a life of it's own. Hence, the term Submachine-Part biological part mechanical. Created by the use of Murduk's "Third Arm".

 Many there have been who've trekked through the endless corridors of this inter-Universal chasm. Never to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Only an eternity of cubicle walls, staring them cold in the face.

Episode 6-The Edge

 Well Mateusz Skutnik has treated us to another episode of The Submachine Series. This time, we'll be going off "The Edge". After boarding a sideways elevator from "The Root", you are immersed into nothingness. Until the vessel comes to a complete stop. The door mechanically slides open...And yet another cube awaits you. Suddenly, the cubicle violently rumbles the door opens once more to reveal a whole new set of corridors filled with new puzzles and riddles to solve. I'm afraid we ain't gonna find a way out of here anytime soon.

 The mouse pad is the only thing you'll need for navigation. Along with a few items along the way to store in your inventory. Your objective is to outsmart Murduk and hack his little chain of subterranean machinery(hopefully, this'll open up a vortex back home...Or not). The question is...Will you be the first to do so? Or become another helpless victim-Submerged within a perpetual gloomy maze?

Ratings: 5 Stars!

To Be Continued...

Here's a Walkthrough!

Now Play Submachine 6!

This is all part of the Submachine Series!


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